About the study


The townships of East Goshen, West Goshen and Westtown are seeking a comprehensive study that will examine the financial and operating issues related to a potential merger of the two police departments currently serving the three communities. The study will comprise a discussion of staffing, personnel costs, pensions, post-retirement benefits, vehicles, equipment, weapons, facilities, and departmental operations, allowing the Boards of Supervisors to make an informed decision on pursuing a merger. The Boards plan to only consider options that provide for the continued employment of all current uniformed officers immediately following a merger. CGR has partnered with the Laberge Group, an Albany, NY-based engineering and planning firm, to complete certain aspects of the project.

Westtown and East Goshen currently contract for police services with WEGO, while West Goshen operates its own police department. Suburbs of Philadelphia, the three towns have a combined population of nearly 50,000 and a land area of just over 30 square miles. West Goshen is the largest of the townships with a population of just under 22,000, followed by East Goshen with 18,000 and Westtown with 11,000. Thornbury Township (population 3,000) also contracts for services from the WEGO police department, but is not a full member of the organization.