About the study


The Towns of Ridgeway and Shelby encompass a 97-square-mile area in the southwestern corner of Orleans County, New York. The Village of Medina is a 3.3 square-mile area contained wholly within and divided nearly equally between Ridgeway and Shelby – which creates a complex municipal structure. About 11,700 residents live in the Towns, with 52% of the population residing inside the Village boundaries.

In 2010 and early 2011, the Village and Towns conducted a feasibility study focusing on dissolution, merger and shared services. The final report of that project was presented to a joint meeting of the Towns and Village boards on May 31, 2011. The Village and Towns have convened regularly during 2013 to implement findings from that study and explore other ways they might share services.

Discussions of dissolution have also continued among Village residents with many unknowns. In order to answer questions and potentially put a referendum before voters, the Village successfully applied to the state's Local Government Efficiency (LGE) program for a planning grant to create a "dissolution plan." In August 2013, the Village engaged CGR to develop a dissolution plan that will be based on the work of the first study, and will involve the input of new committee members as well as those of key stakeholders. The committee intends to be deliberative in their development of the plan and has not assigned an official timeline for the engagement.

The Study Members are:

Don Colquhoun, Chair
Charlie Slack
Thurston Dale
Cindy Robinson
Andrew Meier
Mark Irwin

The Dissolution Committee completed their work in June 2014 and presented their Final Dissolution Plan to the Board of Trustees on June 23,2014. The Final Report contains all the work of the committee.