Frequently Asked Questions


The study team will add to and/ or update the FAQs, as appropriate, during the course of the study.


Q. Why a dissolution plan now?
Q. Who is on the study team?
Q. To what extent are the 3 municipalities involved in sharing services today?
Q. Are shared services and consolidated services the same thing?
Q. Are there recent examples where towns in NYS have merged?
Q. How many villages in NYS have held dissolution votes in recent years?
Q. Are there differences between how towns and villages can govern?
Q. What is the population of the Village and Towns?
Q. How can I raise a question or make a comment for the study team to consider?
Q. How will I know if there is something new the study team can tell the community?


Q. Why a dissolution plan now?

A. Based on the recommendations from the 2011 Feasibility Study and continued conversations in the community, the Village of Medina successfully applied for a NYS Local Government Efficiency (LGE) grant to create a dissolution plan for the village. The matter has been discussed for many years and leaders in the community want to give residents and opportunity to vote on the matter in a proactive manner. If a dissolution petition were to force a vote on dissolution, the residents would be forced to vote without a dissolution plan.


Q. Who is on the study team?

A. The study team consists of a cross-section of community leaders and residents who were appointed by the Village of Medina. For a list of members, see About the Study.


Q. To what extent are the 3 municipalities involved in sharing services today?

A. See the Study Committee's What Exists Report.


Q. Are shared services and consolidated services the same thing?

A. No. Shared services involve a partnership, either formal or informal, between local governments, with each maintaining responsibility for the function that is being provided. Consolidated services means one local government cedes operation of a particular function to another. A third option is functional consolidation, whereby local governments remain as separate units, but one or more functions are combined under one government, yielding cost and service efficiencies.


Q. Are there recent examples where towns in NYS have merged?
A. There are no recent examples. Since 1950, 2 towns have consolidated and 2 towns have been created.


Q. How many villages in NYS have held dissolution votes in recent years?

A. Since January 1, 2008, 23 village dissolution votes have been held (including 2 votes in the Village of Macedon). The 8 villages that voted to dissolve are Seneca Falls, Limestone, Perrysburg, Pike, Randolph, East Randolph, Edwards, and Altmar. The Altmar dissolution is the first approved under a new state law that took effect in March 2010. As a result, the dissolution plan under development in Almar in spring 2011 may be subject to a vote, if local voters petition to do so.


Q. Are there differences between how towns and villages can govern?
A. CGR has developed a white paper highlighting the differences between how villages and towns in NY can govern. Click here


Q. What is the population of the Village and Towns?

A. See the Study Committee's What Exists Report.


Q. How can I raise a question or make a comment for the study team to consider?
A. To email the study team, click here. If you have problems using the email form, please send an email directly to Paul Bishop (


Q. How will I know if there is something new the study team can tell the community?
A. Check this website periodically for updates. When there is a major addition to the site, we'll send an email alert if you have signed up to receive them. Sign up for Email Alerts